Customer Feedback & Testimonials

"We wanted to say an enormous thank you to Scott for building us our dream home and making the experience as stress free and enjoyable as possible.

We love our new home, and we were involved from design, to the finished product. Scott’s high quality building skills and calm, organised, unflappable personality were essential in making everything work as well as it did.

We highly recommend Coulson family Homes if you are looking for a builder able to take your ideas and bring them to life in the best possible way."
Richard Rice & Linda Hafner - (Custom design) Carterton, 13th October 2014

"Thank you so much for building our terrific new home in Martinborough. You have been so easy to deal with throughout the building process it has been a breeze.

We always thought it was a great design, but the house has come out much better than we anticipated, and we really appreciate your flexibility in allowing us to be fully engaged in the building process.

We would willingly use Coulson family Homes again and can recommend you to others for any quality residential construction. We would also be very happy to give verbal reference to any potential customers."
Shelly & Brent Slater - (Custom design) Martinborough, 13th October 2014

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© 2023 Coulson Family Homes

Scott: 0272442690 | Mandy 0277754693